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Ricardo Ricchini

Ricardo Ricchini

How to harvest rainwater

Brazil, despite having the largest freshwater reserves in the world, faces growing challenges related to the efficient use of this vital resource. Waste and structural problems, combined with increasing demand, have led to a growing shortage of…

E-Waste is in E-Waste


Technological advancement has brought many benefits, but also a new challenge: the disposal of e-waste, also known as electronic waste. Equipment such as smartphones, computers, televisions and other electronic devices that become obsolete or broken should not be discarded as…

Reduce, reuse… And then recycle

reduzir, reutilizar e reciclar

We often talk about recycling as a solution to the waste problem, but is it really the most effective approach? In fact, recycling comes last in the waste management hierarchy. Before we get to recycling, it is crucial…

Fluorescent Lamp Recycling

Saiba mais sobre reciclagem de lâmpadas fluorescentes

Fluorescent lamps are widely used due to their energy efficiency and long lifespan. However, they contain components that require special care during disposal and recycling. Let’s explore the main aspects related to fluorescent lamp recycling, including…

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