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Category: Plastic recycling

Plastic is one of the main types of waste discarded by humans. Widely used in packaging, plastic still has a low recycling rate, which contributes to filling up landfills and dumps and, unfortunately, rivers and seas.
Learn all about plastic recycling and even how to start a business in plastic recycling in our category.

The recyclable plastic complex

plastico reciclavel

Plastics are everywhere in our lives, and it’s hard to imagine a world without them. But when it comes to recycling, things get complicated. Although there’s a lot of talk about recycling, it doesn’t always happen efficiently. For example,…

Plastic recycling

reciclagem de plástico

Brazilian waste is a complex mixture of waste, with a high percentage of plastics. These plastics, present in landfills and, despite the laws, still in dumps, take up considerable space and challenge waste management in the country.…