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Category: 3R's

3R stands for reduce, reuse and recycle. Those seeking environmental awareness must take steps to reduce the demand for raw materials. Avoiding waste, repairing, practicing reuse and correctly disposing of waste for recycling are good examples. It is a challenge to raise awareness in a society of disposable consumption.

Reuse: The Key to Effective Environmental Awareness


Desde o início dos anos 2000, a discussão sobre reciclagem tem sido ampla, mas é crucial entender que, no famoso esquema dos 3Rs—reduzir, reutilizar e reciclar—reutilizar ocupa um lugar central. A conscientização ambiental nos mostra que, para realmente fazer a…

Reduce, reuse… And then recycle

reduzir, reutilizar e reciclar

We often talk about recycling as a solution to the waste problem, but is it really the most effective approach? In fact, recycling comes last in the waste management hierarchy. Before we get to recycling, it is crucial…