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Ricardo Ricchini

Ricardo Ricchini

Article: Coca – Cola in the bag

no saquinho

Sachet packaging may seem like a simple innovation, but it’s gaining attention as a potential solution to some of the world’s most pressing environmental issues. In this post, we’ll explore how sachet packaging could transform the industry, improve sustainability…

Recycling and Its Effects on Mining in Brazil

A iminência do colapso de uma mina subterrânea em Maceió (AL), chamou a atenção para os riscos da mineração sem controle

At the heart of the Brazilian economy, mining pulsates as a vital source of wealth. However, this same pulsation has been marked by deep scars in the socio-environmental fabric of the country. Mining, despite its economic role, has been synonymous with…

10 Fun Facts About Wind Energy

ganhe dinheiro com energia eólica

Wind energy is a form of energy generation from the wind, a clean, renewable and inexhaustible source. Although many people see wind energy as a recent innovation, this technology has a long history and is growing rapidly, especially in the…

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