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Green Building, Low Environmental Impact Solution


Green building is a viable way to reduce the environmental impact caused by conventional civil construction. According to the Technological University of Paraná, this sector uses more than 50% of the planet's natural resources, and cement, one of the main materials used, is responsible for 7% of global warming. In addition, most of the materials used in traditional construction are not renewable. Adopting sustainable practices in construction can mitigate these effects, promoting more efficient use of resources and reducing the environmental footprint.

Construção verde
The tree house is no longer what it used to be. Thank goodness! See how it is possible to have a sustainable home today.

In sustainable construction, the first sign is the amount of waste generated. Almost none! Most of the parts are modular, meaning they come ready-made from the factory and just need to be assembled. Recycled materials, such as sheets made from PET bottles or rubber from used tires, provide acoustic and thermal insulation, meaning that thinner walls can be used.

13 simple tips for a sustainable and greener home

Building a sustainable home doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. Stelz Engenharia has developed an article entitled “13 Ways to Have a Sustainable Home on a Budget”, which provides practical suggestions for adopting sustainability in your daily home routine, benefiting the environment and your wallet.

By combining innovation, technology and creativity, it is possible to build urban housing that saves natural resources and respects the environment. When these sustainable techniques are applied on a large scale, costs drop significantly, making the construction of ecological homes accessible to more people. This model is already a reality, as demonstrated by projects and companies that invest in sustainability.

Examples of Sustainable Construction

  • Sustainable office in Curitiba (PR): Around 90 companies contributed recycled materials, such as PET bottles and tires, in exchange for certification from the Technological University of Paraná. The property serves as proof that it is possible to build in an ecological way, using recycled materials.

Container houses: Using shipping containers, recycled materials and assembly techniques instead of conventional construction, these homes reduce environmental impact and show that sustainable alternatives are already available.

Self-sustainable house: A project in which an architect and engineer built a house that generates all the energy needed by its residents, proving that energy self-sufficiency is viable.

  • Recreate Project: Architects and engineers teach residents how to build sustainable affordable housing, using techniques that reduce environmental impact and construction costs.

These examples prove that sustainable construction is not only possible, but a growing trend that could become the standard in the construction industry.

Green construction is a growing trend in recent years, mainly due to the urgent need to reduce the environmental impacts caused by conventional construction. This sector is responsible for a large part of the consumption of natural resources and the generation of waste on the planet, in addition to being one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gases.

To reverse this scenario, green construction emerges as an alternative that is not limited to the use of recycled materials, but also involves the optimization of resources, waste reduction, and the use of technologies that reduce energy and water consumption. Below, we will explore in more depth the aspects that make this approach a viable solution for the future of buildings.

Green Sustainable Materials

One of the pillars of sustainable construction is the use of ecological materials. This includes recycled, renewable and low-impact materials. Examples include sustainably managed wood, eco-bricks, bamboo, recycled glass, and reused materials such as PET bottles and tires. These materials not only help reduce the volume of waste that would otherwise go to landfills, but they also require less energy to produce, making the project more efficient.

Energy Efficiency

Another essential point of green building is the energy efficiency. Solutions such as solar panels, LED lighting, windows that take advantage of natural light and thermal insulation systems are often used to reduce electricity consumption. In addition, there is a focus on using clean and renewable energy, such as solar or wind power. This reduces not only the environmental impact of the building, but also energy costs over time.

Water Management and Reuse

A efficient water management is another important practice in sustainable projects. Reusing rainwater, using smart irrigation systems and implementing consumption reduction technologies in taps and showers are effective ways to conserve this resource. The collected water can be used to irrigate gardens, wash outdoor areas or even flush toilets, significantly reducing the use of drinking water.

Waste Reduction

One of the biggest challenges of traditional construction is the large amount of waste generated during the process. Sustainable construction adopts methods that minimize waste, such as the use of prefabricated or modular materials, which, in addition to generating less debris, are quicker to assemble. The reuse of materials is also encouraged, as is the recycling of debris and other construction waste.

Bioclimatic Architecture

A bioclimatic architecture is a strategy used to adapt construction to the local climate, maximizing the use of natural resources such as sunlight, wind and water. For example, in hot areas, houses can be designed to favor natural ventilation and minimize the need for air conditioning, while in cold regions, the use of sunlight can be prioritized to heat the environment. This type of architecture not only improves thermal comfort, but also reduces energy consumption.

Sustainable Certifications

To ensure that a building truly follows sustainable practices, there are several environmental certifications available on the market. The best known is the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), which assesses the environmental and energy performance of buildings. There are also certifications such as BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) and the AQUA (High Environmental Quality), which recognize buildings that follow strict sustainability standards. These certifications are a differentiator in the market, as they prove that the building was designed with environmental responsibility.

Sustainable Construction in Brazil

In Brazil, the movement towards green building has been gaining momentum, although there is still a long way to go. Projects such as eco-condominiums, green buildings and self-sustainable homes are already a reality in several regions of the country. These projects are being driven by growing environmental awareness and the search for solutions that reduce maintenance costs in the long term.

The demand for sustainable housing has increased, and with it, the market has begun to respond with more affordable solutions. Technologies that were previously seen as expensive and exclusive are becoming more popular and economically viable, making sustainable construction more accessible to a larger portion of the population.

Benefits of Sustainable Green Building

The benefits of opting for sustainable construction go beyond environmental preservation. One of the biggest attractions for consumers is the long term economy that these buildings provide. Buildings designed with a focus on energy efficiency and the reuse of natural resources can significantly reduce energy, water and maintenance costs.

Furthermore, sustainable buildings often offer better quality of life to residents. More ventilated, naturally lit environments with passively controlled temperatures are more pleasant and healthy for occupants. These practices also contribute to the appreciation of properties, as the trend is for environmental certifications and the adoption of green practices to become increasingly valued in the real estate market.

Sustainable construction is becoming an increasingly relevant solution to mitigate the environmental impacts of civil construction. By using innovative technologies and ecological practices, it is possible to build homes and buildings that respect the environment, consume fewer resources and still provide savings and comfort to residents. By opting for sustainable solutions, we not only preserve the environment, but also create a greener and more balanced future.

Check out other interesting facts about recycling clicking here.
Learn how to make art by recycling, Click here.

Ricardo Ricchini
Ricardo Ricchini
Articles: 198

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