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Ricardo Ricchini

Ricardo Ricchini

Larvae in Composting: What to Do?

Larvas na compostagem

The presence of maggots in your compost can be an unpleasant sight, but it’s important to understand whether they are actually harmful to your compost and how to manage them properly. Below, we’ll discuss the impact of maggots on compost and provide alternatives…

The Revolution of Bioplastic Orange Peel Cups


Sustainable innovation with bioplastics has been gaining prominence on the global stage, and one of the most impressive examples of this trend is the giant circular orange juice machine, which turns squeezed peels into biodegradable cups. Developed by the Italian firm…

The Sustainable Packaging Revolution

Embalagens sustentáveis

In recent years, the search for alternatives to plastic packaging has intensified in many parts of the world. Growing awareness of the environmental damage caused by plastic has driven innovative initiatives to replace this material with more environmentally friendly options. One…

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