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E-Waste is in E-Waste


Technological advancement has brought many benefits, but it has also brought a new challenge: the disposal of e-waste, also known as electronic waste. Equipment such as smartphones, computers, televisions and other electronic devices that become obsolete or broken should not be thrown away as regular trash. But what should we do with them? It is crucial to understand where this e-waste is going and how it can harm the environment.


The Impact of E-Waste on the Environment

When disposed of incorrectly, e-waste poses a major risk to the environment. Many of the components of these devices contain toxic substances, such as lead, mercury and cadmium, which can contaminate soil and water, causing harm to human health and nature. Despite this, there is still a lack of awareness about the correct disposal of electronic waste, which leads many people to simply store it at home or, even worse, throw it in the regular trash.

The Reality of E-Waste Disposal in Brazil

Brazil faces unique challenges when it comes to e-waste disposal. As a country of continental dimensions, the infrastructure for collecting and recycling this type of waste varies greatly from one region to another. In many locations, information about where to dispose of e-waste is scarce, and collection points are few or nonexistent. Furthermore, despite laws requiring manufacturers and sellers to take back electronic devices, implementation of these rules remains limited.

Alternatives for E-Waste Disposal

Despite the difficulties, there are several alternatives for the correct disposal of electronic waste. Some supermarkets, electronics stores and even banks offer collection points for recyclable materials, including e-waste. These locations are a good option for those who want to dispose of their devices in a safe and environmentally friendly way. In addition, online initiatives also offer convenient solutions for disposing of electronic waste.

For example:

  • Coopermiti: The website www.coopermiti.com.br offers an option to schedule e-waste collection, facilitating safe and responsible disposal.
  • One hundred and one: On the website www.cempre.org.br, you will find the Recycling Map, a useful tool for locating collection points for electronics and other waste throughout the country.
  • Proper Disposal: The company www.descartecerto.com.br offers an electronic waste collection and transformation service, ensuring that your devices are recycled appropriately.

Municipal and Regional Initiatives

In addition to the options above, some cities have implemented specific programs for collecting e-waste. One example is Semasa, a municipal agency that collects electronics in certain areas. These programs are essential to ensure that e-waste is treated properly, preventing this waste from reaching landfills or the environment.

If you’re not sure where to dispose of your e-waste, a good option is to contact your local city hall. They are responsible for waste collection and can provide information on the appropriate locations for electronic waste disposal.


Awareness as a Tool for Change

Raising awareness about the importance of properly disposing of electronic waste is essential to mitigate the environmental impacts caused by this waste. Information is the first step towards changing behavior, and it is up to each of us to do our part. Knowing where to dispose of electronic waste, using the available tools and sharing this information with friends and family are effective ways to contribute to a more sustainable world.

If you know of other places where electronic waste can be disposed of, please share this information. Small gestures like this can make a big difference in preserving the environment. If everyone does their part, it is possible to significantly reduce the negative impact of e-waste on our planet.

The Importance of Recycling Electronic Waste

Proper disposal of electronic waste is not only a matter of legality, but also of environmental and social responsibility. By raising awareness and using available resources for proper disposal, we can contribute to reducing pollution and preserving natural resources. Don’t let your obsolete devices collect dust or pollute the environment—recycle them correctly and help build a more sustainable future for future generations.

This is a step we can all take, whether it’s by using online collection services, recycling points in stores and supermarkets, or participating in municipal programs. Raising awareness about e-waste and committing to proper disposal are essential to protecting our planet.

Check out other interesting facts about recycling clicking here.
Learn how to make art by recycling, Click here.

Ricardo Ricchini
Ricardo Ricchini
Articles: 198


  1. electronic and technological waste collection point in the city of Americana-SP
    collects one ton of electronic scrap per month.

    Disposal location: Bolívia Street, 29, Frezzarin Neighborhood - Zip Code 13465-750

  2. Place for disposal of electronic waste in the city of Sao Jose do Rio Preto / SP

    XV de Novembro Street, 2853 – Center

    3232-1980 / 3222-6858 c/ Marcos

  3. Hello, Ricardo! I live in Belo Horizonte and I haven't found any support here to start a business with E-Electronics. Since my initial vision is to collect, disaggregate and sell, do you have any knowledge of anyone here who can help me by giving me some tips?
    Thank you in advance!

  4. I would like to know where I can dispose of my old electronic equipment for free. I am in the city of Rio de Janeiro, in the Tijuca region. I can't find a place.

  5. Guys, E-LIXO in Londrina changed its corporate name to E-LETRO, our new website is http://www.eletro.org.br, new name same commitment.

    The reason for changing the name was because it was generating a lot of doubt about the destination, with many people thinking that we receive household waste, unfortunately we had to make this change.

    Contact (043) 3339-0475

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