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Disposal of Waste Tires: An Environmental and Health Challenge in Greater São Paulo


The recycling of waste tires is a critical issue in a society largely dependent on road transport. In the context of Greater São Paulo, where millions of vehicles circulate daily, the improper disposal of these tires represents a significant problem for both the environment and public health. This study focuses on the specific situation of the municipalities of ABCD Paulista and Mauá, highlighting the practices and challenges related to the management of waste tires.

pneus inservíveis
Tire recycling is essential in a society based on road transport

Environmental and Health Impacts of Waste Tires

Among the solid waste generated by the population, tires, classified as special waste, are highly relevant in discussions about environmental and health impacts. Their durable and resistant structure, designed to withstand adverse conditions, makes them difficult to dispose of in landfills. Whole tires are not accepted in landfills because they tend to return to their original shape after compaction, compromising soil stability and taking up large spaces that are increasingly scarce in cities.

In addition to the physical impact, when used tires accumulate, they serve as an ideal breeding ground for the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which transmits diseases such as dengue, zika and chikungunya, all of which are widespread in Brazil. The risk of fire is also significant, given that tires burn easily, releasing black smoke composed of a mixture of dangerous pollutants and an oily material derived from petroleum that can contaminate bodies of water, making the water unfit for consumption.

The Situation of Waste Tires in Greater São Paulo

The study aimed to quantify the number of unusable tires in the municipalities of ABCD Paulista and Mauá, and to characterize the problem of the final disposal of this waste. The research, based on a bibliographic survey and the application of questionnaires to those responsible for public cleaning services, revealed that most municipalities lack efficient programs for the disposal of unusable tires.

Among the municipalities analyzed, only Santo André showed some level of commitment to the proper disposal of this waste, carrying out selective collection and sending tires for recycling. In contrast, municipalities such as São Bernardo do Campo, São Caetano do Sul, Diadema and Mauá do not have specific collection or disposal programs for unusable tires, resulting in irregular disposal in vacant lots, landfills and bodies of water, aggravating environmental and health problems.

Challenges in Estimating Waste Tire Generation

The research concluded that it is not feasible to accurately estimate the amount of waste tires generated in the municipalities studied due to the lack of basic data on municipal urban cleaning services. The absence of a structured collection system and the common practice of clandestine disposal make it difficult to quantify this waste. This highlights the urgent need to implement municipal programs aimed at the collection, recovery and final disposal of waste tires.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that unusable tires are not accepted in regular garbage collection, and are discarded in clandestine locations often unknown to municipal authorities. This practice contributes to the perpetuation of negative impacts on public health and the environment.

Waste Tire Recycling Practices

Recycling waste tires is essential to mitigate the negative impacts associated with improper disposal. The city of Santo André has implemented an innovative practice in which tires are shredded and mixed with crushed stone, and used in the drainage system for percolating liquids in landfills. This technique not only solves the problem of occupying space in landfills but also contributes to sustainable waste management.

Tire recycling can be expanded to include other applications, such as asphalt paving, where shredded tires are mixed with asphalt, resulting in a stronger and more durable layer. This technique, already used in many parts of the world, could be adopted on a larger scale in Brazil, contributing to reducing the volume of waste and improving road infrastructure.

Proposals to Improve the Management of Waste Tires

To address the challenges of waste tire disposal and recycling, municipalities in Greater São Paulo must develop and implement specific programs for collecting and disposing of this waste. These initiatives should include:

  • Creation of differentiated collection systems for unusable tires, with delivery points established for generators (tire change service stores, mechanic workshops, etc.) and partnerships with manufacturers and importers to ensure that tires are sent for recycling or appropriate final disposal.
  • Economic and tax incentives for companies that actively participate in the recycling of unusable tires, stimulating the creation of a robust market for the reuse of these materials.
  • Promotion of research and development of new technologies for the reuse of tires, such as the creation of new materials from recycled rubber, which can be used in various industries.

Importance of Including Waste Tires in Public Policy

The issue of waste tires should be treated as a priority in public policies for urban waste management. Municipalities need to recognize the improper disposal of this waste as a public health and environmental problem, and seek solutions that not only minimize negative impacts, but also create economic opportunities through recycling.

Implementing effective collection and recycling systems can transform an environmental problem into an opportunity for generating jobs and income, in addition to contributing significantly to environmental preservation. By integrating the management of waste tires into municipal public policies, it will be possible to move towards a circular economy, where waste is continually reused, reducing the need for new resources and minimizing environmental impacts.

Results Obtained: The Situation of Waste Tires in the Municipalities of Greater São Paulo

The research carried out in the municipalities of ABCD Paulista and Mauá revealed important data on the situation of the disposal of unusable tires in these regions. Below are the results obtained for each city:

  • Saint Andrew
    • Population covered: 648,121 inhabitants
    • The municipality of Santo André is the only one that carries out selective collection of unusable tires, sending them to the local landfill. It is estimated that around 150 used tires are collected daily. These tires are disintegrated and used as filling material in the landfill's drainage systems.
    • Source: Semasa (Santo André Environment Secretariat) – Nov/01
  • Saint Bernard of the Field
    • Population covered: 699,015 inhabitants
    • There is no precise estimate of the number of abandoned tires. The city faces the problem of illegal dumping in unoccupied areas. When these tires are found, they are collected, shredded and sent to the sanitary landfill of the company Lara, in the municipality of Mauá.
    • Source: Public Cleaning Department of São Bernardo do Campo – Nov/01
  • Sao Caetano do Sul
    • Population covered: 140,227 inhabitants
    • The municipality does not have a program for collecting unusable tires, and there are no estimates of the amount of this waste. All material resulting from household collection is sent to the Lara landfill in Mauá.
    • Source: Public Cleaning Department of São Caetano do Sul – Nov/01
  • Diadem
    • Population covered: 355,867 inhabitants
    • The City Hall collects abandoned tires from the city, but does not have precise data on the quantity. These tires were previously sent to the Alvarenga landfill in São Bernardo, but are now sent to the Lara landfill in Mauá.
    • Source: Diadema Public Cleaning Department – Nov/01
  • Maua
    • Population covered: 362,399 inhabitants
    • The city of Mauá collects tires on an urgent basis, and these are sent to the company SILCON AMBIENTAL, which shreds the tires before sending them to the landfill along with other waste.
    • Source: SANURBAM – Nov/01
  • São Paulo
    • Population covered: 17 million inhabitants
    • The city of São Paulo does not have a system for collecting unusable tires, and it is prohibited to send old tires to the Bandeirantes landfill.
    • Source: LIMPURB – Nov/01

Analysis of Results

The data collected reveals a worrying situation: only Santo André has a structured system for the disposal of unusable tires. The other municipalities face significant challenges, with the absence of specific programs for the management of this waste. The result is irregular disposal in vacant lots, landfills and bodies of water, which aggravates environmental and health problems in the region.

The study conducted in Greater São Paulo revealed the urgent need for coordinated actions to properly manage waste tires. Recycling this waste is not only an environmental solution, but also an opportunity to create economic value and improve the quality of life in cities. Cities such as Santo André are already at the forefront of this movement, but it is crucial that other cities follow suit, implementing policies and practices that ensure the proper final disposal of waste tires.

Check out other interesting facts about recycling clicking here.
Learn how to make art by recycling, Click here.

Ricardo Ricchini
Ricardo Ricchini
Articles: 198


  1. Good morning dear Carla!

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    • Hi Eliane. Actually, I don't have the answer. Brazil is a huge country. Every day new companies appear, while others close their doors... And I receive a huge amount of questions. In other words, I have no way of knowing who buys, sells, trades, donates, or asks for tires or any other type of material. That's why I created the search area in the Recycling Sector. So that the interested party can search in the right place, so that Google can find the location based on the region where you live or work.

      Try typing “I buy used tires” or “Who sells used tires” in the search area. You can also include the terms tire repair, retreading, and the region where you live in the search to make your search easier.

      I count on your understanding.

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