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Sustainable events


Organizing events that respect the environment and promote sustainability is more than a trend; it is a necessity to reduce our ecological impact and create a more sustainable future. The concept of sustainability, coined by Norwegian Gro Brundtland during her presidency of the UN commission, is fundamental to understanding how to implement sustainable practices in events. According to Brundtland, “Sustainable development means meeting the needs of the present without affecting the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” This definition broadens the concept to a systemic scope and not just an ecological one, and should be applied to any enterprise, including event organization.

To ensure your event is truly sustainable, it’s essential to incorporate sustainability into every stage of planning and execution. In this guide, we’ll explore how to transform events into examples of environmental and social responsibility, using best practices to make every event greener and more efficient.

Help the environment in an area where waste generation is intense


The Concept of Sustainability in Events

Sustainable events are those that minimize negative impacts on the environment and promote practices that respect both the ecosystem and the communities involved. Sustainability in events is not just about reducing waste or saving energy; it is a holistic approach that must be considered in all aspects of event organization.

Aspects to Consider for Sustainable Events:

  1. Economic Viability: Make sure that sustainable practices do not compromise the financial health of the event. Evaluate the cost-benefit of sustainable alternatives to ensure that they are viable in the long term.
  2. Social Justice: Ensure the event benefits local communities and promotes inclusion and social equity. Choose suppliers and partners who share these values.
  3. Cultural Acceptance: Sustainable practices must be adapted to the cultural context of the event and respect local traditions and values.
  4. Ecological Correction: Adopt practices that minimize environmental impact, such as reducing resource consumption, managing waste and preserving biodiversity.

Tips to Make Your Event More Sustainable

Based on the guidelines from the Sympla website, which outlines seven tips for sustainable events, here are some practical strategies for implementing sustainability at your event:

Economic Lighting

Lighting is one of the biggest energy consumers at events. To reduce your environmental impact, opt for energy-efficient lighting systems such as LED bulbs. Although the initial cost is higher, LED bulbs have a much longer lifespan and consume significantly less energy compared to incandescent and fluorescent bulbs. Savings can be as much as 80% compared to traditional options.

Alternative Transport

Transportation is a crucial area for the sustainability of events. CO2 emissions generated by travel can be minimized through some practices:

  • Local Supplier Selection: Whenever possible, hire suppliers who are located close to the event.
  • Encourage Public Transport: Encourage attendees to use public transportation by providing information on bus and subway routes.
  • Carpooling Campaigns: Promote ride-sharing to reduce the number of individual vehicles.
  • Strategic Location: Choose event locations that are accessible by public transportation and close to train or subway stations.

Special Glasses

The use of disposable cups is a common practice at events, but it is also a major source of waste. To minimize environmental impact:

  • Choose Biodegradable Cups: Use cups made from biodegradable materials, such as paper or compostable plastic.
  • Edible Cups: Explore creative options, like edible cups, that eliminate waste.
  • Encourage the Use of Reusable Mugs: Ask participants to bring their own mugs or sell reusable cups that they can take home.

Waste: Each One in Its Place

Waste management is essential for sustainable events. Here are some best practices:

  • Recyclable Materials: Use recyclable materials whenever possible and try to reduce the amount of waste generated.
  • Reuse: Reuse items and materials that are still useful.
  • Selective Collection: Plan a selective collection system to separate paper, plastic, glass and organic waste. For example:
    • Cooking Oil: Send the used oil to companies that transform it into soap.
    • Roles: Use eco-friendly papers and recycle graphic materials.
    • Organic Waste: Send to compost and turn into fertilizer.

Water: Economy and Preservation

Water management is crucial for sustainability. To promote savings and preservation:

  • Economy Notices: Place notices in bathrooms and water fountains to encourage conservation.
  • Water Reuse: Plan to reuse water in processes that allow it, such as cleaning.
  • Biodegradable Products: Use biodegradable cleaning products to avoid polluting natural reserves.

Online Ticket Sales

Selling tickets online is a common and essential practice for sustainable events. In addition to making the process easier for attendees, it eliminates the need to print physical tickets, reducing paper use and waste.

Search for Allies

Awareness is a crucial factor for the success of sustainable events. Engage allies and partners who share the vision of sustainability:

  • Sustainable Seal: Create and promote a sustainable seal for your event, clearly communicating the practices adopted.
  • Education and Awareness: Inform participants about the importance of sustainable practices and how they can contribute to reducing environmental impact.

Organize sustainable events is a responsibility that can generate significant benefits for the environment and society. By incorporating sustainable practices into each stage of planning and execution, it is possible to minimize environmental impact and promote a culture of responsibility and awareness. The tips provided help to create events that not only meet current needs, but also respect and preserve resources for future generations.

By adopting these practices and seeking out like-minded allies, you not only hold an event that is environmentally responsible, but you also inspire others to follow suit. With every sustainable event, we contribute to a greener, more balanced future.

Check out other interesting facts about recycling clicking here.
Learn how to make art by recycling, Click here.

Ricardo Ricchini
Ricardo Ricchini
Articles: 198


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