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Landscaping: What it is and Why it is More Important than You Think


As cities develop, we are less and less in contact with nature. Therefore, it is not common for architecture to include green spaces or plants inside apartments.

However, it has been proven that having plants at home increases humidity, improves air quality, and can even improve concentration — not to mention that landscaping and gardening can be very relaxing activities.

O que é paisagismo?

Considering all these benefits, architectural projects that integrate landscaping are increasingly valued and become a differentiator for these professionals.

So that you can understand everything about what a landscape project can provide for the development of a city, Fabio Junger, commercial director at Emec, will explain everything below about this very important profession.

After all, what is landscaping?

Landscaping is a relatively new area of study, and is a subject covered in Architecture, Agronomy, Fine Arts and even Biology courses.

However, it is necessary to do a postgraduate degree in Landscaping to truly become a landscaper. Landscaping projects also involve other professionals such as engineers and architects. Graduate landscapers also need knowledge of climatology.

But the work of the landscaper can also sometimes involve the development of the design of structures and decoration, such as: swimming pools, fountains, water mirrors, lakes, spaces for bonfires, green roofs, vertical gardens, pathways, limitation of floor area and vegetation area, spas, decorative panels, choice of coverings, courts and in addition the definition of furniture and lighting to guarantee the safe use of the garden at night.

These concepts of “floor, wall and ceiling” are also present in the landscaping project, thus, the landscaper’s main objective is to combine the well-being of the environment with human beings.

The importance of landscaping

Landscaping is important as it plans a beautiful garden according to the characteristics of the region (humid, dry…), the terrain, the type of soil, the style/design of the house, the taste, desire and availability of the owner of the property or project.

Everything is taken into consideration to create a beautiful, unique and attractive space for living or commercial purposes.

Nowadays, landscaping is highly qualified, that is, it is developed by competent professionals, such as a landscape architect, an agricultural engineer or another specialized professional.

Its main objectives are: to improve the aesthetics, functionality, safety, comfort and privacy of outdoor environments (and indoor environments when applicable).

The profession of landscaper

The professional landscaper can create gardens, leisure areas, pathways, paving, among other places that can be inserted in a functional and creative way into the environment.

This professional, in addition to creating green spaces, needs to be careful when adapting the colors, lighting and size of the area to develop environments for his art.

See below the segments in which an architect, company or landscaper can work:

  • Landscape Architecture

The landscaper in this area can work in various areas of the landscaping segment in the public and private sectors, aiming to solve urban and environmental issues relevant to landscape architecture, considering functional, aesthetic and environmental aspects.

  • Architecture, Landscape and Interior Design

This professional can form teams of projects, techniques and methods for designing interior spaces and landscaping, seeking to design and execute comfortable, human, playful and functional environments that meet people's physical and psychological comfort needs.

  • Environment and landscape

Here the landscaper develops public and private urban landscape projects of a housing nature; evaluates the roles of spaces and develops methods and techniques for interpreting space, with an emphasis on environmental appropriation standards.

  • In private and public spaces

The landscaper in this sector can develop landscaping projects for private or public areas, seeking the well-being of the target audience. This sector involves projects for companies, buildings, housing complexes and residences such as houses and apartments.

The 5 most common landscaping techniques

Discover some of the most common landscaping techniques below:

1- Vertical gardens: a creative project for home decoration and ideal for optimizing small spaces.

2- Making paths: ideal for connecting residents with the surrounding garden.

3- Coverings and floors: to separate and organize spaces with plants and grass.

4- Benches and tables: to transform the environment into a more functional space.

5- Planting in pots: The big advantage is the mobility to the desired moonlight and various settings.

Check out other interesting facts about recycling clicking here.
Learn how to make art by recycling, Click here.


Fabio Junger
Fabio Junger

Director of the Emec Group, my mission is to offer innovative solutions in the areas of implementation and maintenance of landscape and environmental projects and in the recovery of degraded areas. In this way, we can create more sustainable cities and a better future for everyone.

Articles: 2


  1. Landscaping is a multidisciplinary subject that is not yet part of Brazilian university courses. It is an unregulated profession in Brazil and is accessible to anyone who completes a technical course in landscaping. Therefore, it is not only for those who complete a postgraduate degree in the area.
    The landscaping technician has professional qualifications to deal not only with issues related to plants, but also with the organization and use of spaces, as well as materials and decoration, and can work together with engineers, architects, agronomists and biologists, respecting the specific attributions of these areas.

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