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Category: Composting

Composting reduces the volume of waste and also turns it into fertilizer, which can be used in gardens and vegetable gardens.

Composting is the degradation of organic matter by microorganisms. Leaves, sawdust, kitchen waste and other organic waste can be used in composting. It is possible to make compost at home, but there are also companies that specialize in this type of service.

Larvae in Composting: What to Do?

Larvas na compostagem

The presence of maggots in your compost can be an unpleasant sight, but it’s important to understand whether they are actually harmful to your compost and how to manage them properly. Below, we’ll discuss the impact of maggots on compost and provide alternatives…

What is Composting?


Composting is a vital process in recycling organic waste, transforming it into valuable organic fertilizer for agriculture. This process not only reduces the amount of waste, but also improves soil health and promotes environmental sustainability. The…

Home composting

compostagem caseira

How to Create and Maintain an Efficient Home Composter Home composting is a sustainable practice that transforms organic waste into valuable compost to fertilize your garden. If you have a large yard or live in the country, implementing a composter…

Composting – How to Do It


Composting is an incredible technique that allows you to transform organic waste into valuable fertilizer for the soil. The practice, in addition to being simple and low-cost, can even be done in small spaces, such as balconies or backyards. If…

Composting – maintenance


Composting is a vital process that transforms organic waste into a valuable resource for gardening and agriculture. In Brazil, the practice has gained prominence, especially for its ability to reduce the volume of waste and enrich the soil…