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Category: 3R's

3R stands for reduce, reuse and recycle. Those seeking environmental awareness must take steps to reduce the demand for raw materials. Avoiding waste, repairing, practicing reuse and correctly disposing of waste for recycling are good examples. It is a challenge to raise awareness in a society of disposable consumption.

Packaging for what?

Embalagem protege os produtos

Packaging, often underestimated, plays a crucial role in preserving and protecting food. The perception that packaging is simply a waste of material can divert attention from its essential role in storage and waste reduction.…

Oslo – The Environmental Capital

capital do meio ambiente

Oslo, the capital of Norway, is a notable example of a city committed to sustainability and environmental preservation. With a population of over 670,000, Oslo has been implementing a series of bold measures to improve…

How to help recycling?

Como fazer reciclagem

Proper waste separation is essential to ensure that recycling is effective and sustainable. Often, the challenge of recycling lies not only in the available infrastructure, but also in how each of us contributes to the process.…

Crushing Styrofoam for Reuse


Reusing materials is an increasingly important practice in the fight against pollution and waste. When we talk about Styrofoam (EPS – Expanded Polystyrene), this need becomes even more evident, since this material, widely used…

Is it recycling or not?

Reciclagem industrial ou artesanal

The word is recycling: widely used in our daily lives, but what exactly does it mean? In the strict sense, recycling refers to the process of returning materials to their production cycle, transforming them into products with characteristics equal to those of the original material.…

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