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Ricardo Ricchini

Ricardo Ricchini

Crushing Styrofoam for Reuse


Reusing materials is an increasingly important practice in the fight against pollution and waste. When we talk about Styrofoam (EPS – Expanded Polystyrene), this need becomes even more evident, since this material, widely used…

Boats made from discarded materials

materiais descartados

When we talk about sustainability, recycling is one of the most widely discussed concepts. We are used to thinking about recycled products such as paper, aluminum cans and even handcrafted items, but did you know that it is also possible to build boats from…

Home composting

compostagem caseira

How to Create and Maintain an Efficient Home Composter Home composting is a sustainable practice that transforms organic waste into valuable compost to fertilize your garden. If you have a large yard or live in the country, implementing a composter…

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