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Ricardo Ricchini

Ricardo Ricchini

Banana Peel Jam

Did you know that banana peels, often discarded as trash, can be transformed into a delicious and nutritious sweet treat? This practice not only helps reduce food waste, but also contributes to food recycling, promoting…

Free Manual – Set up a recycling plant

Montar uma usina de reciclagem é uma oportunidade promissora tanto para quem deseja investir em um negócio sustentável quanto para aqueles que buscam contribuir para a preservação do meio ambiente. A usina de reciclagem é um empreendimento que transforma materiais…

Frying Oil Recycling

Recycling cooking oil has become increasingly important in environmental preservation initiatives. With growing awareness about the negative impacts of improper disposal of cooking oil, projects such as the one implemented by the Union…