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Ricardo Ricchini

Ricardo Ricchini

Crazy recycling

reciclagem maluca

Sustainable and Creative Recycling: Crazy Ideas That Inspire The world of recycling and sustainability has become increasingly vast, attracting people of all ages and lifestyles. Amidst this movement, ideas emerge that go beyond…

Solar heater with recyclables

Aquecedor solar de garrafa PET

The solar heater made from recyclable materials is a sustainable and economical alternative for heating water using resources that would normally be discarded. This project, developed by José Alcino Alano and his family, aims to both save energy and preserve…

Cement Bag Recycling

Reciclagem de sacos de cimento

Recycling cement bags is a fundamental practice for environmental preservation and sustainable development in the construction industry. The construction industry is one of the industries that consumes the most natural resources and generates waste, and the…

Fluorescent Lamp Recycling Process

Reciclagem de lâmpadas fluorescentes

Recycling fluorescent lamps is an essential process to reduce the environmental impact caused by these products at the end of their useful life. The term “lamp recycling” refers to the recovery of materials present in the lamps and their reinsertion…

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