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Ricardo Ricchini

Ricardo Ricchini

Transforming to the dumpster


Dumpsters are part of the urban landscape of almost every city. Used to dispose of rubble and other materials, they take up space on the streets and often cause inconvenience, both due to their size and aesthetics. But do…

The recyclable plastic complex

plastico reciclavel

Plastics are everywhere in our lives, and it’s hard to imagine a world without them. But when it comes to recycling, things get complicated. Although there’s a lot of talk about recycling, it doesn’t always happen efficiently. For example,…

Plastic recycling

reciclagem de plástico

Brazilian waste is a complex mixture of waste, with a high percentage of plastics. These plastics, present in landfills and, despite the laws, still in dumps, take up considerable space and challenge waste management in the country.…

Composting – Microorganisms


Composting is an essential practice for transforming organic waste into valuable fertilizer, contributing significantly to the environment. In this post, we will explore the crucial role of microorganisms in composting, and how they help create rich, fertile soil.…

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